You are here: C-TO-BETeamAlexandra Frohne

Systemic Coach, Trainer, & Business English Coach 

Alexandra Frohne

Alexandra Frohne is a partner for systemic business coaching and systemic team development at dare2grow. In addition, for over 10 years, she has been supporting non-native speakers as an English coach for companies to become more confident in using Business English. She is distinguished by her boundless optimism, warmth, clarity, joy, and international outlook.
Main Topics
  • Empowerment
  • Self-worth
  • Finding direction
  • Enhancing communication skills in English
Trainer and Consultant Qualification
  • Systemic Business Coach (Certified Training by DGSF at IFW)
  • CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Adults), Cambridge
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies

Professional Development 
  • Freelance Marketing and Project Manager
  • Freelance Translator and Business English Coach
  • Head of Congress Organization, International Congress of the Transplantation Society
  • Junior Manager Marketing and Events, Air Berlin PLC & Co
  • Junior International Project Manager, Red Bull GmbH
  • Management Trainee Marketing and Events, Red Bull GmbH Austria and Dubai

Training Languages
German and English
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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
© C-TO-BE. THE COACHING COMPANY | Seeuferstraße 59 | 82541 Ambach - Münsing | Tel.: +49 8177 / 99 85 458 |