Trainer and Consultant Qualification
- Participation in the AI Conference for HR "KI-X" organized by the Quadriga University, the BPM (Federal Association of HR Managers), and the Human Resource Magazine, Berlin, 2024
- Hypnosystemic conflict management: From "Conflict Trance to Appreciative Cooperation Processes", Dr. Gunther Schmid, Berlin, 2018.
- Embodiment techniques for effective psychomotor and hypnotherapeutic resource management in psychotherapy, Dr. Gunther Schmidt, Heidelberg, 2013.
- METALOG training tools in action - workshop 1+2, 2011
- AFNB member 2010/2011 (Academy for neuro-scientific educational management)
- Accreditation as Trainer Team Management System (TMS), H. Wagner, TMS - Center, Germany
- Training as a licensed NLP Business Practitioner with Michael Breen, McKenna&Breen, London
- Basic course to become a communication consultant with Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schulz von Thun, IWL Seminars, Munich
- Theme-centered interaction according to Ruth Cohn. Curriculum for teachers at the Giessen Forum with Rüdiger Standhardt, Dr. Cornelia Löhmer and Prof. Dr. Dietrich Stollberg
- Training as a management trainer at the Institute for Education and Psychology in Königsbrunn, with Dr. Dieter Portner and Dr. Jürgen Kiefer
Professional Development
- Teaching Negotiation in the Organization, Program on Negotiation at Harvard University, Cambridge, US, Roger Fisher and William Ury, with Robert Susskind
- Until 2002 Partner / Managing Director of Mind + More Consulting Group GmbH, Starnberg, Germany
- 1999 Foundation of Mind + More Training
- Assistant director and dramaturge, Kammerspiele Munich and Pathos Transport Theater
- Studies in German and Theater Studies, LMU Munich
"Virtuell verhandeln. Online-Verhandlungen optimal führen", Gabal Verlag 2023. English version coming soon. You can find more details here.
"Besser verhandeln. Das Trainingsbuch", Gabal Verlag, 2010, 5th edition. English version: "Better Negotiating. Your Training Book für Business and Private life", iUniverse, 2017". You can find more details here.
"Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie", Gabal Verlag, 2017, 1st edition, German version. You can find more details here.
Training Programs
"Professionell präsentieren", the digital training program, managerseminare (managerial seminars) 2025. You can find a reading sample here (German version).
"Schlagfertig argumentieren und überzeugen", the digital training program, managerseminare (managerial seminars) 2022. You can find a reading sample here (German version).
"Professionell verhandeln - Advanced", the digital training program, managerseminare (managerial seminars) 2021. You can find a reading sample here (German version).
"Professionell verhandeln - Basic", the digital training program, managerseminare (managerial seminars) 2020. You can find a reading sample here (German version).
Training Languages
German and English