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Trainer, Consultant & Coach | Business Management 

Jutta Portner

Jutta Portner founded C-TO-BE. THE COACHING COMPANY in 2002. In addition to her role as managing director, Jutta still enjoys going out to the frontlines, advising, moderating, and training - especially in a global context... and if there's time left, writing specialist books. Her greatest passion lies in the topic of "Negotiation." Finding solace from the hectic everyday life, she enjoys the tranquility of the 300-inhabitant hamlet of Ambach, by Lake Starnberg, where Jutta lives.
Main Topics
  • Negotiation
  • Communication
  • Coaching
  • Conflict Management
  • Teambuilding
  • Change Management
Trainer and Consultant Qualification
  • Participation in the AI Conference for HR "KI-X" organized by the Quadriga University, the BPM (Federal Association of HR Managers), and the Human Resource Magazine, Berlin, 2024
  • Hypnosystemic conflict management: From "Conflict Trance to Appreciative Cooperation Processes", Dr. Gunther Schmid, Berlin, 2018. 
  • Embodiment techniques for effective psychomotor and hypnotherapeutic resource management in psychotherapy, Dr. Gunther Schmidt, Heidelberg, 2013. 
  • METALOG training tools in action - workshop 1+2, 2011
  • AFNB member 2010/2011 (Academy for neuro-scientific educational management)
  • Accreditation as Trainer Team Management System (TMS), H. Wagner, TMS - Center, Germany
  • Training as a licensed NLP Business Practitioner with Michael Breen, McKenna&Breen, London
  • Basic course to become a communication consultant with Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schulz von Thun, IWL Seminars, Munich
  • Theme-centered interaction according to Ruth Cohn. Curriculum for teachers at the Giessen Forum with Rüdiger Standhardt, Dr. Cornelia Löhmer and Prof. Dr. Dietrich Stollberg
  • Training as a management trainer at the Institute for Education and Psychology in Königsbrunn, with Dr. Dieter Portner and Dr. Jürgen Kiefer

Professional Development 
  • Teaching Negotiation in the Organization, Program on Negotiation at Harvard University, Cambridge, US, Roger Fisher and William Ury, with Robert Susskind
  • Until 2002 Partner / Managing Director of Mind + More Consulting Group GmbH, Starnberg, Germany
  • 1999 Foundation of Mind + More Training
  • Assistant director and dramaturge, Kammerspiele Munich and Pathos Transport Theater
  • Studies in German and Theater Studies, LMU Munich

"Virtuell verhandeln. Online-Verhandlungen optimal führen", Gabal Verlag 2023. English version coming soon. You can find more details here.
"Besser verhandeln. Das Trainingsbuch", Gabal Verlag, 2010, 5th edition. English version: "Better Negotiating. Your Training Book für Business and Private life", iUniverse, 2017". You can find more details here.
"Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie", Gabal Verlag, 2017, 1st edition, German version. You can find more details here. 

Training Programs
"Professionell präsentieren", the digital training program, managerseminare (managerial seminars) 2025. You can find a reading sample here (German version).
"Schlagfertig argumentieren und überzeugen", the digital training program, managerseminare (managerial seminars) 2022. You can find a reading sample here (German version).
"Professionell verhandeln - Advanced", the digital training program, managerseminare (managerial seminars) 2021. You can find a reading sample here (German version).
"Professionell verhandeln - Basic", the digital training program, managerseminare (managerial seminars) 2020. You can find a reading sample here (German version).

Training Languages
German and English

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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
© C-TO-BE. THE COACHING COMPANY | Seeuferstraße 59 | 82541 Ambach - Münsing | Tel.: +49 8177 / 99 85 458 |