You are here: C-TO-BETeamMarion Kaiser

Trainer, Consultant, & Coach 

Marion Kaiser

After completing her engineering studies at TU Munich, Marion Kaiser worked at Airbus Group SE as a group leader. Since 2005, she has also been an alternative practitioner for psychotherapy after completing training in holistic psychotherapy. Her services are based on her enthusiasm for respectful, nonviolent communication (NVC) and for our influence on mental and physical health. Since 2003, Marion has been working as a freelance trainer and coach in Karlsfeld, near Munich.
Main Topics
  • Nonviolent Communication
  • Conflict Management and Mediation
  • Negotiation
  • Appreciation
  • Agile Methods, Classical Working Methods
  • Project Management
  • Team Development
  • Leadership Training
  • Resilience, Health and Life Balance
  • Time Management and Self Management
  • Mindfulness, Mindful Leadership
  • Coaching
Trainer and Consultant Qualification 
  • GFK trainer, recognized by the German Association for Nonviolent Communication
  • Further education "Living Compassion", Robert Gonzalez (CNVC)
  • "Negotiating better", C-TO-BE. THE COACHING COMPANY
  • METALOG training tools in action
  • Focusing for therapy and coaching, Dr. Eggebrecht igf - Institute Focusing ( Weilheim)
  • Healing license for psychotherapy (HPG) according to the Heilpraktikergesetz (law for non-medical practitioners)
  • Psychological foundations and holistic psychotherapy (3 year training at ZfN in Munich)
  • Certified Coach, Woman's Business Academy
  • TMS - Profile of work functions, accredited trainer
  • Accredited trainer of Team Management System (TMS), H. Wagner, TMS Centre (Germany)
  • Nonviolent Communication (GFK) by and with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg and training "Empathic Competence", People and Goals, Nuremberg, Germany

Professional Development
  • Since 2018: Mentor TU Munich
  • Since 2006: Implementation of training and further education, in-house trainings
  • Since 2003: Self-employed as trainer, coach and alternative practitioner for psychotherapy
  • 1994-2003: Self-employed as management consultant and trainer in the field of industrial engineering and work organization
  • 1992-1994 Team Leader Industrial Engineering (EADS)
  • Dipl. Ing. Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich

"Profiting from the Best Experts" with a foreword by Hermann Scherer (2020)
"Industrial Engineering" together with Karl Lamm (1994)

Training Languages
German, English (for certain topics)
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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
© C-TO-BE. THE COACHING COMPANY | Seeuferstraße 59 | 82541 Ambach - Münsing | Tel.: +49 8177 / 99 85 458 |