Trainer and Consultant Qualification
- GFK trainer, recognized by the German Association for Nonviolent Communication
- Further education "Living Compassion", Robert Gonzalez (CNVC)
- "Negotiating better", C-TO-BE. THE COACHING COMPANY
- METALOG training tools in action
- Focusing for therapy and coaching, Dr. Eggebrecht igf - Institute Focusing ( Weilheim)
- Healing license for psychotherapy (HPG) according to the Heilpraktikergesetz (law for non-medical practitioners)
- Psychological foundations and holistic psychotherapy (3 year training at ZfN in Munich)
- Certified Coach, Woman's Business Academy
- TMS - Profile of work functions, accredited trainer
- Accredited trainer of Team Management System (TMS), H. Wagner, TMS Centre (Germany)
- Nonviolent Communication (GFK) by and with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg and training "Empathic Competence", People and Goals, Nuremberg, Germany
Professional Development
- Since 2018: Mentor TU Munich
- Since 2006: Implementation of training and further education, in-house trainings
- Since 2003: Self-employed as trainer, coach and alternative practitioner for psychotherapy
- 1994-2003: Self-employed as management consultant and trainer in the field of industrial engineering and work organization
- 1992-1994 Team Leader Industrial Engineering (EADS)
- Dipl. Ing. Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich
"Profiting from the Best Experts" with a foreword by Hermann Scherer (2020)
"Industrial Engineering" together with Karl Lamm (1994)
Training Languages
German, English (for certain topics)