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With Strategy to Success 

Global Deals – Negotiating Internationally

In a globalized business world, leading international negotiations with confidence is crucial. This training is designed for professionals who regularly negotiate with customers, partners, and suppliers from different countries. It provides practical skills to optimize and succeed in negotiations within the international context.

Participants will learn how to identify and leverage cultural differences to tailor their negotiation strategies. They will gain a deep understanding of various negotiation styles and how to act effectively and confidently in international business relationships.
Training Objectives

  • Understand negotiation styles in Germany compared to other cultures
  • Develop successful strategies for international negotiations
  • Leverage cultural differences for better outcomes
  • Lead negotiations confidently in global markets
  • Boost self-confidence in international negotiation situations
Contents of the Training

  • Introduction to international negotiation styles: Analyzing how Germans negotiate compared to other cultures, focusing on historical, cultural, and economic backgrounds
  • Cultural differences and misunderstandings: Recognizing and avoiding cultural misunderstandings through the comparison of international negotiation styles (USA, Asia, Middle East, South America)
  • Preparation for international negotiations: Developing strategies and checklists to prepare for international negotiations, including cultural nuances
  • Communication and body language: Understanding the importance of non-verbal communication in different cultures and its impact on negotiations
  • Negotiation techniques and win-win approaches: Learning techniques to assert interests while maintaining relationship-building with international partners
  • Practical simulations: Applying the learned content through case studies and role-plays in intercultural negotiation situations
Pre-training consultation with the client to specify negotiation situations and cultural contexts, interactive lectures, group exercises and discussions, case study analysis and simulations, role plays, and hands-on exercises for immediate application of learned skills.

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For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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