You are here: C-TO-BETeamLinda Dorfeld

Trainer, Consultant, & Coach 

Linda Dorfeld

Linda Dorfeld is a business psychologist and trainer for Positive Self-Leadership 4.0. Since 2017, Linda has specialized in optimizing work and finding joy in the workplace, aiming to navigate the transition into the new world of work with ease and happiness. Her approach is characterized by empowerment, humor, and enthusiasm. Linda resides in Landshut.
Main topics
  • Self- and Time Management
  • New Work: Utilizing AI tools for work optimization, optimal office organization & communication (meetings, phone calls, emails); Self-leadership - working from home 
  • Feelgood @ Work: Promoting positive emotions, energy management, self-motivation, finding flow, building a supportive network, goal achievement, self-confidence
Trainer and Consultant Qualification
  • B.A. in Business Psychology | Focus: Organizational Psychology
  • Certified Professional of Positive Psychology
  • Positive Coaching
  • AdA – Training Aptitude according to AEVO

Professional Development 
  • Lecturer for Personnel Clerks and Merchants for E-Commerce (IHK)
  • Trainer for Consumer Education in Bavaria
  • Job Coach and Seminar Leader
  • 14 years of experience as an employee: Executive Consulting, Automotive Corporation, Publishing, Electrical Engineering, E-Commerce, Media Agency

Training Languages
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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
© C-TO-BE. THE COACHING COMPANY | Seeuferstraße 59 | 82541 Ambach - Münsing | Tel.: +49 8177 / 99 85 458 |