Contents of the Training
- Why and when do companies call for a pitch?
- What do companies expect from a pitch and the pitching partners?
- Chances and risks
- Pitching at any price? When is it worth pitching for a contract? When is it best to leave it alone?
- The pitch process at a glance: PRE-PITCH - PITCH - POST-PITCH
- Determine the contact persons: Lead partners for pitch requests
- Classifying the pitch: strategy pitch, project pitch, tissue pitch, pitch-in-a-day or regular pitch?
- New acquisition or existing customer? Clarify general conditions: Fee and timing
- Tips for the telephone pre-selection and the written pitch in the set-up data room
- The briefing: getting up to speed in no time at all. What is important now?
- Deriving the pitch from the company's vision, goals, and strategies to differentiate from the competition
- Pitch details: How to calculate profitably
- The soft and hard facts for professional preparation
- The planning: who, what, when, how, and with what?
- The presentation: the heart of your pitch
- The Kawasaki method: how to use an ideal pitch template
- Creating content in a standardized way and relating it to the specific case
- The deciding day is people's business: Sympathetic appearance with assertiveness
- Dealing with questions and objections
- Teambuilding: The pitch is always won by a team
- The pitch decision: clear decision or another round?
- The terms and financing negotiation
- Follow-up afterwards
Your BenefitYou will have the right tools and methods to successfully prepare and contest a pitch.
You will gain insight into the most important success strategies for successful pitches.
You will understand which special features are important to your client.
MethodsLectures, practical exercises, plenary discussions, interactive group work, practical examples and analyses, and exercises.