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Acting Flexibly and Quickly 

Agile Methods for Leaders

In this training, leaders will learn how to effectively integrate agile leadership principles into a traditional corporate structure to make their teams more effective. Agility is more than just a method – it is a mindset that helps organizations operate flexibly, efficiently, and customer-focused.
In addition to theoretical foundations, participants will gain hands-on tools to gradually introduce agile thinking in their area and effectively support employees through this transformation.
The core focus of the seminar, alongside the agile mindset, includes proven agile methods such as Design Thinking, Business Model Generation, Lean Startup, Scrum, and Kanban. Leadership and transformation are the ultimate outcomes.

Target Audience  
Leaders who want to understand and apply agile principles and methods, including agile leadership, to better achieve business objectives.

Contents of the Training

Understanding Agility: What Does It Mean for Leadership?
  • Framework conditions of the digital / VUCA world
  • Leadership in a traditional vs. agile environment
  • Agile mindset and values
  • Key principles for leaders

Overview of Agile Frameworks & Methods
  • Desirability – User-centered design / Design Thinking with personas and user stories
  • Viability – Business value / Business Model Generation
  • Feasibility – Lean Startup, iterative implementation (e.g., Scrum, Kanban)
  • Meetings in an Agile Work Environment – Planning meetings, OKRs (Objectives & Key Results), and retrospectives

Agile Strategies for Everyday Leadership
  • The new role as a coach & enabler
  • How to support my team in agile transformation
  • Handling uncertainty & change
  • Combining agile methods – tips for successful implementation

A hands-on training with interactive workshop elements, practical exercises, tools, and experience sharing.

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us!

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For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

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Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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