Contents of the TrainingDemand dilemma: Balance between external and self-determination
- Analysis of risk and stress factors in life and work style
- Role conflicts between job, family, and personal fulfillment
- Discovering and activating hidden potential
- Establish meaning and satisfaction through active self-management in daily life
- Achieve more serenity, vitality, and joy of life through mindfulness
Mindfulness: A holistic approach to stress management
- The phenomenon of stress: Examine your own stress behavior and recognize what anxiety and stress cause
- What stress factors are we exposed to in our everyday professional and private lives?
- Resilience: Increasing mental and physical resilience
- Gaining awareness in dealing with oneself: A healthy psyche helps in difficult times
- Which behaviors lead to lasting changes?
Peace of mind: Turning off the mental cinema
- New ways to deal with sensations, feelings, and emotions
- How to deal with fears and worries as stress-free as possible
- Dealing with anger and rage: How can anger be resolved?
- Mood management: Becoming aware of your own moods
- Getting out of the mental carousel
Burn-out prevention
- How to recognize signs of burn-out and physical reactions in time
- Burn-out: Chronic stress, exhaustion of daily life
- Who is particularly at risk? Knowing and paying attention to drivers for a burn-out
- The phases of a burn-out: commitment - exhaustion - alienation - collapse
- Work-life balance: Ways to the middle or escape to the extremes
MethodsTrainer input, practical simulations of dialogues and discussions in groups, practical exercises on concrete situations from the company environment, basic survivals, and list of Dos & Don'ts.